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14 articles
Identifying your MacHow to identify the details of your Mac computer
Internet Connection RequirementsEcamm Live's internet connection requirements
Screenshare Mode Shows Only The Desktop PictureEcamm Live needs permission to share your screen.
iPhone or iPad Screen Not Showing Up in Ecamm LiveIf your iOS device isn't showing up as a camera source when connected via USB, try these steps.
Streaming Platform RequirementsDetails on limitations for various streaming platforms.
Errors Connecting to Ecamm ServersWhat to check if your Mac can't connect to, or you're getting a connection error in Ecamm Live.
Mac Prompts to Install Rosetta when running Ecamm LiveEcamm Live Requires Rosetta.
Creating a Sample TraceIf Ecamm Live becomes unresponsive, a Sample Trace will help our engineers diagnose the problem.
Disabling The Tick Sound When Comments ArriveEcamm Live plays a sound when someone comments on your stream. You can turn this off.
Scheduled YouTube Live Broadcast Doesn't Go LiveYouTube broadcasts scheduled using YouTube Studio may inadvertently be created as "Webcam" streams, which do not work with Ecamm Live.
How To Avoid Echo with Skype GuestsDetails on how to avoid an echo in your live broadcasts and recordings when Skype guests speak.
Using Custom Stream Key Fails with "An unknown error occurred"Using Custom Stream Key may not work if your network or firewall is blocking certain network ports.
Problem Logging Into Switchboard Live: Account Screen Appears After Logging InTwo-Factor Authentication on Switchboard Live can cause a problem on login in Ecamm Live
Ecamm Live's Background ItemsWhat are Background Items and should I allow them to run?