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Using Loupedeck with Ecamm Live

Ecamm Live includes a Loupedeck Live plugin with 22 custom actions.

Updated over a week ago

Loupedeck's Loupedeck Live control surface is a great way to control your Ecamm Live broadcasts.

Ecamm Live includes a Loupedeck plugin, which adds 22 custom actions to your Loupedeck Live.

Installing The Plugin

Upon opening Ecamm Live, if the Loupedeck software is detected, you will be prompted to install the plugin. (If you do not have the Loupedeck software installed yet, download it here.)

You can also also pick Install Loupedeck Plugin from the Ecamm Live menu at the top of the screen beside the  menu. If you do not see the Install Loupedeck Plugin option in the menu, this means that it is already installed.

Once installed, if you don't see the Loupedeck configuration screen, pick Open Loupedeck... from the Loupedeck menu at the top of the screen.

In the configuration screen, pick Ecamm Live from Loupedeck's Profile menu. You'll see a default key layout show up on your Loupedeck Live device.

You will also see the available Ecamm Live actions for customizing your Loupedeck along the right-hand side.

To use the Ecamm Live plugin with other Loupedeck Live profiles, click Manage Plugins, and then choose Ecamm Live.

Loupedeck's Dynamic Mode

By default, Loupedeck will be in Dynamic Mode. This means that your Loupedeck profile will change automatically based on which application is in the foreground. For example, your Ecamm Live actions will show up only when Ecamm Live is the active application. If you wish to specify the current Loupedeck Profile manually, turn off Dynamic Mode in the Loupedeck's Profiles menu.

Ecamm Live Plugin Actions

Action keys and rotation adjustments can be added to customize your Loupedeck Live. To add an action to your Loupedeck, drag it from the sidebar to the desired key location.

The Ecamm Live custom actions include:

Add Last Comment

Show the most recent comment as an Overlay.

Hide Last Comment

Hide the last promoted comment Overlay.

Go Live

This action will provide a Go Live key (or Finish key during a broadcast.) It will also change to a Record key when in Record-Only mode.

Hide Controls

This action will hide and show the main window's control buttons.

Live Demo Mode

This action will toggle on and off to Live Demo mode.

Next PDF Page / Previous PDF Page

Move sequentially through the pages of a PDF Overlay.

Next Scene / Previous Scene

Move sequentially through the Scenes in your Scenes window.


A pause/resume key, used only for Record-Only mode.

Preview Mode

Enter or exit Preview Mode.


Publish in Preview Mode.

Stop Sound

Stop the currently playing music or sound effect.

Viewer Count

This action displays the viewer count from the current streaming platform. Pressing the key does not do anything.

Input Level (Rotate)

Add a rotation adjustment to an audio input level, for example your mic level. The rotation adjustment knob can be pressed to toggle mute.

Item Selection (Rotate)

Add a rotation adjustment to move through the Scenes, Overlays, or Sound Effects windows. Press the rotation adjustment knob to pick the currently selected item from the list.


Mute an audio channel. Press the action again to unmute.

Play Animation

Play an animated Overlay from the Overlays window. Note that only animated overlays are listed here. Use the Show/Hide Overlay action to show or hide other kinds of Overlays.

Play Sound Effect

A quick way to play music or a sound effect. All items in the Sound Effects window are listed.

Run Scene

Run a specific scene. Your Scenes from Ecamm Live will be listed.

Show/Hide Overlay

Show or hide a specific Overlay from the Overlays window. The current overlays will be listed.

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