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Ecamm Live Hot Keys

How to quickly navigate around Ecamm Live and trigger actions using hot keys.

Updated over a week ago

If you're looking to learn Ecamm Live hotkeys (or print them out to keep them handy), here are all of the hot keys found within Ecamm Live.

Want to learn how to use hot keys and shortcuts to be more efficient?

Download a printable version to keep by your desk. - I would delete this until the PDF is updated, as this one is way out of date.

Ecamm Live menu

Log out of Ecamm Live - ⌥⇧⌘L
Log in - ⇧↵

Create a new broadcast ⇧⌘N
Begin Live Session - ⌘G
End Live Session - ⌘E
Pause Recording - ⌘P

Enter or Leave Preview Mode - ⌘↵

Publish Preview Mode - ↵
View Post in Browser - ⇧⌘F
Preferences - ⌘,
Hide Ecamm Live - ⌘H
Hide Others - ⌥⌘H
Quit Ecamm Live - ⌘Q

Edit menu

Undo - ⌘Z
Redo - ⇧⌘Z
Cut - ⌘X
Copy - ⌘C
Copy Stream Destination URL - ⇧⌘C
Paste - ⌘V
Paste and Match Style - ⌥⇧⌘V
Paste as Overlay - ⇧⌘V

Paste Overlay Settings - ⌥⌘V

Paste Overlay Text Style - ⇧⌘^V
Select All - ⌘A

Search Comments - ⌘F
Overlay Bigger - ⌘+
Overlay Smaller - ⌘-
Stop Current Sound Effect - ⌘ period

Stop All Sound Effects - ⇧⌘ period

Scene menu

New empty scene - ⌘B
Duplicate current scene - ⌘D

Unlock/Unlock current scene - ⇧⌘L
Previous scene - ⌘←
Next scene - ⌘→

Last used scene - ⌘⌫

Source menu

Blank - ⌘⇧B

Camera - ⌘L
Share screen - ⌘S
Video file ➝ Choose file - ⌘O
Video file ➝ Play most recent video - ⌘R
Video file ➝ Resume Last Video - ⌥⌘R

Camera menu

Show camera switcher window ⇧⌘;
Switch cameras - pressing numbers 1-9 (or A, B C, etc.) on the keyboard will change your cameras (no modifier key)
Add or remove cameras from split screen - shift + number keys

Mic menu

Mute microphone - ⇧⌘M

Overlays menu

Show Overlays window - ⌘]
Add placeholder comment overlay - ⇧⌘K

Add Last Comment As Overlay - ⌘K

Hide Last Comment Overlay - ⌘J

Next Overlay - ^⇧→

Previous Overlay - ^⇧←

New image overlay - ⇧⌘O
New animated overlay - ⌥⇧⌘O

New dynamic text overlay - ⌘N

New text box overlay - ⌥⌘N

New countdown overlay - ⌥⇧⌘C

New shape → Rectangle overlay - ⌥⇧⌘R

New shape → Circle Overlay - ⌥⇧⌘R
New shape → Square Overlay - ^⇧⌘R

New shape → Squircle Overlay - ⌥⌘S

New Widget Overlay - ⌥⌘W

New Screen Share Overlay - ⌥⇧⌘S

Show/hide most recent overlay - ⌘I (not listed in the menu)
Show/hide second-most recent overlay - ⇧⌘I (not listed in the menu)

Recording menu

Save Photo - ⇧⌘G

Add Marker - M

Add Marker with info - ⇧M

Show recordings - ⇧⌘R
Send Last recording to YouTube - ⌘Y

Send Last recording to Descript - ⌥⇧⌘D
​Send Last recording to Scenery → Edit with AI - ⌥⇧⌘A

​Send Last recording to Scenery → Auto Subtitles - ⌥⇧⌘T

​Send Last recording to Scenery → Custom Edit - ⌥⇧⌘E

Output menu

Video Monitor - ⇧⌘E
Sharing Window Off - ⌥⇧⌘I

Sharing Window On - ⇧⌘I

Options menu

Show Picture in Picture - ⇧⌘P

Show Vertical Safe Zone - ⇧⌘S

Live Demo Mode - ⇧⌘D

Window menu

Minimize - ⌘M

Close - ⌘W

Enter full screen - fn F

Hide Main Window Controls - ⌘`

Bring All To Front - ^⌘⌥F
Show All Utility Windows - ⇧⌘J
Hide All Utility Windows - ⇧⌘H

Arrange All Windows - ⌥⌘J

Bandwidth Statistics - ⇧⌘,

Temporarily Hide Window Controls - hold down fn key (does not work with all keyboards)

Camera Effects - ⌘;
Comments & Reactions - ⌘[

Interview Window - ⌘/

Interview Chat - ⇧⌘]
Main Window - ⌘0

Overlays - ⌘]
Preferences - ⌘,
Program Window - ⇧⌘0
Scenes - ⌘\
Sound Effects - ⌘=
Sound Levels - ⌘'

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