14 articles
Camera ModeEverything you need to know about connecting and using cameras within Ecamm Live.
The Mode Menu in EcammChoose between three modes in Ecamm - streaming, recording, or presenting.
Creating and Scheduling a BroadcastLearn how to create a live stream in Ecamm.
Streaming With Ecamm LiveWhat to do during a live stream.
The Video Source SwitcherHow to use the video source switcher to select multiple sources and picture-in-picture.
Screen Share ModeHow to share your screen in Ecamm Live.
Video File ModeHow to share pre-recorded videos and other features in the video file mode of Ecamm Live.
Using ScenesWhat are scenes and how do you create, use, and export them in Ecamm Live?
Using OverlaysHow to use overlays to add cameras, text, scrolling tickers, logos, graphics, countdowns, animations, lower-thirds, widgets and more.
Playing Music and Sound EffectsHow to use Ecamm Live's Sound Effects window.
Ecamm Live's Record-Only ModeEverything you need to know about using the record-only feature
Your First Facebook Live BroadcastAn intro lesson on going live to Facebook using Ecamm Live.
Adjusting Sound LevelsHow to adjust sound levels within Ecamm Live.
Recording Your BroadcastsHow to record and find recordings of your broadcasts, and record-only mode.