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Interview Mode FAQ

We've summarized the most frequently asked questions about our Interview feature.

Updated over a month ago

What is Interview Mode?

Interview Mode allows you to bring remote guests into your live stream. Guests join from a web browser using an invite link, and don't need Ecamm Live.

Which Ecamm Live subscription plan do I need to use Interview Mode?

Interview Mode requires an Ecamm Live Pro subscription. Ecamm Live Standard plan subscribers and trial users will be able to trial Interview Mode.

How do guests join?

You'll provide your guest with a special web link. Your guest clicks this link and joins via a web browser. You'll see and hear them ringing in Ecamm Live, and you'll click to start the connection.

What are the system requirements to use Interview Mode?

For the best experience, we recommend an Apple Silicon iMac, Mac Mini, Mac Studio, MacBook Pro or iMac manufactured within the past 5 years and a stable internet connection with at least 10 Mbps of bandwidth.

How many guests can join at once?

If you have an Apple Silicon (M-series) Mac, then Interview Mode allows you to add up to 10 guests at a time.

Intel Mac users can bring on up to 4 guests at a time. Please review the recommended system requirements above before adding more than one guest.

Do my guests need to have Ecamm Live? Do they need to be on a Mac?

Guests join your broadcast from a web browser, so they do not need the Ecamm Live app or subscription plan.

This can be on any reasonably recent computer (Mac or Windows PC) or any mobile device running the latest web browser version. (iPhone or iPad is recommended, but most Android devices will work too.)

Whenever possible, it is best for your guests to be on a desktop or laptop computer instead of a mobile device.

Can I try Interview Mode if Iโ€™m a Standard subscriber or in a 14-day trial?

Yes, both Standard users and trial users can try interview mode for 2 hours before upgrading or signing up for Pro.

What is the greenroom?

When a guest connects to Ecamm Live and first appears in the Interview Window, they start in the greenroom. When in the greenroom, guests are not visible in the broadcast, and cannot be heard by viewers (they are muted.) To remove a guest from the greenroom, simply use one of the blue + buttons to add them to the broadcast.

How do I return guests to the greenroom?

To do this click on the blue "Assign" menu on the guest's section of the Interview Mode window. Select "Return to Greenroom." This will remove the guest's sound from the broadcast and return to a greenroom status.

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