Call Recorder saves the individual audio and video tracks from a call. To export the tracks as individual files for editing, use the Export button in Ecamm Movie Tools to save it in the desired format. Before clicking Export:
For audio recordings, click the Export Split Tracks checkbox at the bottom of the Ecamm Movie Tools window, then click Export.
For video recordings, pick Separate Files from the Video popup menu at the bottom of the Ecamm Movie Tools window, then click Export.
Extracting Tracks Directly from a .callrecorder File
The .callrecorder file format is a "package file", which means it's actually folder, but looks like a file in the Finder. To access the contents, right-click or control-click on the file in the Finder, and choose Show Package Contents. It will open just like a folder. and you'll see the contents: each movie track as a separate file.