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Call Recorder for Skype User Manual
Call Recorder for Skype User Manual

All the details on how to use Call Recorder for Skype

Updated this week

This Call Recorder's user manual is also available as a handy PDF:

Call Recorder is an add-on for Skype which automatically transforms your audio and video calls into movies. Call Recorder is great for lessons, interviews, podcasts or just having fun.

System Requirements

  • Mac OS X 10.12 or newer

  • Skype For Mac version 8 or newer. (The latest Skype is always strongly recommended.)

  • An Intel Mac. (Call Recorder won't work on Apple Silicon (m-Series) Macs.)

Installing Call Recorder

    1. Unzip the Call Recorder ZIP file. Ensure that it's unzipped using Apple's built-in Archive Utility, and not some other unzipping tool.

    2. Double-click on the Call Recorder installer icon.

    3. Choose Install Call Recorder. You will be prompted for a password. Enter your computer's account password.

    4. When Skype opens, you will see that Call Recorder has been installed. The Ecamm Movie Tools application will be added to your Applications folder.


Uninstalling Call Recorder

To uninstall Call Recorder, run the Install Call Recorder program included in the software zip file.  

Click Uninstall Call Recorder and follow the instructions. 


The Call Recorder Window

The Call Recorder window will appear when Skype is launched.

When a call is being recorded, the record button will become a stop button. The stop button will stop the recording and close the audio file. A new file will be created when recording is resumed.

Click the magnifying glass icon to reveals the recording file in Ecamm Movie Tools or the Finder.

This red indicator will flash red when a call is being recording.

Click the pencil button to add a marker to your recorder. (See Adding Markers below.)

Drag or double-click the bottom of the Call Recorder window to hide or reveal the audio level meters.

The input and output level meters indicate the audio levels of your microphone input and remote party's level respectively.

The counter indicates the hours, minutes and seconds elapsed during a recording.

Adjust the caller’s volume level by dragging the volume control knob on the output audio level meter. (See red arrow above.)

Adding Markers

You can easily mark a time in your call with an annotation. Click the pencil icon at any time during a recording to add a marker. The Add Marker window will appear:

Enter a note and click Save. You can click the pencil button again to reset the marked time.

Markers will show up in your movie as chapters markers during playback in Ecamm Movie Tools.

Call Recorder Settings  

Access the Call Recorder settings by clicking the settings icon in the Call Recorder window above.

Audio Encoding: Choose your compression method. AAC compression is recommended for Macs with a fast processor. For slower Macs, 2:1 compression can be used. If you would like to record with no audio compression, this option is also provided, however it will result in extremely large recording files.

Video Quality: Choose your video quality.

Video Image Size: Choose image pixel dimensions for the recorded video. The smaller sizes are recommended for slower computers which might not be able to sustain encoding of larger frame size. Note that 320x240 is the maximum size offered for Macs slower than 1 Ghz.

Video Frame Rate: Choose a frame rate for the video recording. This settings provides a maximum value for the movie frame rate. Maximum will record all frames from the call.

Record Video: Select how the video is recorded. Options include: 

None (Audio Only): No video is recorded, just audio.

Local Only: Only the local side (video from your camera) will recorded.

Remote Only: Only the remote side (video from the other participants) will recorded.

Split Screen: Record video from each side of the call, with each side taking up a portion the picture. Note that the left and right side of both video streams will be cropped a bit to achieve this side-by-side effect.

Picture-in-Picture: Record video from both sides of the call in picture-in-picture format. The recorded video will look similar to how you see it during the call, with your video inset within the remote video.

Multi-Track: Records local and remote tracks as separate video tracks within the .callrecorder file. The two tracks will appear side by side during playback in Ecamm Movie Tools. The tracks can be split into separate video files or combined into one video track by using the included Ecamm Movie Tools app.

Keep Recording Control in Front During a Call: This will keep the Call Recorder recording controls in the foreground, even if you were to switch to another application.

Record Calls Automatically: This option will automatically record all calls.

Discard Calls Shorter Than ___ Seconds: This option will automatically delete any calls shorter than the specified length.

Record Voicemail Playback Automatically: Selecting this option will record outgoing voicemail messages, as well as record your incoming voicemail as it is played back in Skype. This feature does not currently work in Skype 8.

Reveal Recordings in Ecamm Movie Tools: Select this option if you want the reveal button to open the Ecamm Movie Tools app. (Otherwise, the movie will will be revealed in the Finder.)

Save Recordings To: Specify where the Saved Calls folder should be located.

Recording HD (Widescreen) Video:

Based on your Mac's processor speed, internet speed and the version of Skype on either end of the call, Skype may decide to use an HD widescreen video stream. Likewise, based on the remote party's processor speed, internet speed and camera capabilities, their Skype application may decide to send an HD widescreen video stream. A video call may change resolution during a call.

If a wide aspect Video Image Size has been selected in Call Recorder's settings, the recording will take place at full HD resolution.

Saved Files

Your recordings are saved as .callrecorder files in the folder specified above.


Launch the Ecamm Movie Tools application by clicking the magnifying glass button in Call Recorder’s control window. Ecamm Movie Tools provides playback, trimming, exporting and sharing.

Before sharing or uploading a movie file, export from Ecamm Movie Tools, which will create a .mov file or .mp4 file with all tracks merged together.

If your microphone is picking up too much sound from the Mac's speakers, you may hear a faint echo of the remote party's voice. To prevent this from happening, reduce the Mac's speaker volume, or move the speakers away from the microphone if possible. To avoid echo/feedback entirely, use headphones or a headset during the call.

Extracting Each Side of the Call

Call Recorder records both sides of the Skype call as separate audio tracks contained in the .callrecorder file. To access the individual tracks, you can use the Ecamm Movie Tools application to save the tracks as individual files. Use the Export Splits Tracks checkbox.

Converting to MP4, MOV, MP3, AAC or AIFF, Sharing to YouTube

Use Ecamm Movie Tools Export button to save the movie in the desired format, or click the share button to send videos calls to YouTube.

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