Ecamm for Zoom FAQ

Common questions of Ecamm Live's Zoom integration.

Updated over a week ago


Ecamm for Zoom is a beta feature! This means that you'll need a beta version of the app to use any of the features describe here. Help us test this exciting new capability by downloading the Ecamm Live Beta.

We've put together a list of frequently asked questions about Ecamm for Zoom. If you don't see your question answered here, feel free to contact our support team using the chat button down in the bottom right-hand corner of this window.

Do I need a paid Zoom account to use this feature?

Zoom for Ecamm works with all Zoom plans, both free and paid. However, a Zoom Pro account is required for 720p resolution. A Zoom Business account or higher is required for 1080p resolution. More details about video resolution can be found here.

Do I need to open or use the Zoom app on my Mac?

No, there is a Zoom client embedded inside the Ecamm Live Mac app. There isn't any need to open the Zoom app in your Applications folder.

Why is the video resolution low when my Ecamm for Zoom meeting starts?

When an Ecamm for Zoom meeting is first started and participants haven't joined yet, you'll see the output of Ecamm Live displayed in the meeting window. This can

sometimes be low resolution, and can be safely ignored. As participants join, Zoom will automatically adjust the resolution as needed.

Why is participant video resolution low?

Zoom participant video resolution will vary based on a wide variety of factors. See the article here for details.

What message do participants see when their video is added to the Ecamm broadcast or recording?

Participants will be notified when Ecamm Live begins capturing their video feed. Ecamm Live offers two "capture modes", each with their own message to the user. See the details here for more info on capture modes.

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